// Here we define the user editable parameters:
function getParameterDefinitions() {
return [
{ type: 'float', name: 'beam_width', caption: 'Beam width', default: 40 },
{ type: 'float', name: 'hole_radius', caption: 'Radius of holes', default: 6 },
{ type: 'choice', name: 'length', caption: 'Frame length (holes)', values: [2,3,4,5,10,15,20,25,30,40,50], captions: ["2","3","4","5","10","15","20","25","30","40","50"], default: 10 }
// zBeam(length) - create a vertical bitbeam strut 'length' long
// xBeam(length) - create a horizontal bitbeam strug along the X axis
// yBeam(length) - create a horizontal bitbeam strut along the Y axis
// translateBeam(beam, [x, y, z]) - translate bitbeam struts in X, Y, or Z axes in units 'beam_width'
var cylresolution=16;
var beam_width=38;
var hole_radius=8;
function main(params) {
cylresolution=(params.quality == "1")? 64:16;
return zBeam(params.length);
function xHole(i) {
return CSG.cylinder( {
start: [-1, beam_width/2, i*beam_width + beam_width/2],
end: [beam_width+1, beam_width/2, i*beam_width + beam_width/2],
radius: hole_radius,
resolution: cylresolution
} );
function yHole(i) {
return CSG.cylinder( {
start: [beam_width/2, -1, i*beam_width + beam_width/2],
end: [beam_width/2, beam_width+1, i*beam_width + beam_width/2],
radius: hole_radius,
resolution: cylresolution
} );
function zBeam(length) {
var cube = CSG.cube({
center: [beam_width/2, beam_width/2, (length*beam_width)/2],
radius: [beam_width/2, beam_width/2, (length*beam_width)/2]
var holes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
var beam = cube.subtract(holes);
beam.properties.myConnector = new CSG.Connector([10, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]);
return beam;
function yBeam(length) {
return translateBeam(zBeam(length).rotateX(-90), [0,0,1]);
function xBeam(length) {
return translateBeam(zBeam(length).rotateY(90), [0,0,1]);
function translateBeam(beam, t_vector) {
return beam.translate(t_vector.map(function(n) { return beam_width*n; }));