=Introduction= Frames can be manufactured by hand, with careful measurement and drilling. While meditative, this work is repetitive and laborious. Time studies of the hand production process using a drill press reveal that positioning the undrilled frame stock for precise drilling consumes the majority of effort. Automating the process in an affordable manner will reduce cost, increase availability, and free time for creative effort.
=Challenges= Reducing cost and improving availability of frames requires decentralized manufacturing.
=Approaches= A frame drill built from standardized and widely available industrial automation components allows anyone to source the parts they need anywhere to build more frame drills.
<gallery> Drill guide 5.jpg Drill guide 4.jpg Drill guide 3.jpg Drill guide 1.jpg Drill guide 2.jpg Drill guide 7.jpg Drill guide 8.jpg Drill guide 9.jpg Drill guide 10.jpg Drill guide 11.jpg Supercool's drill guide.jpg| Supercool's drill guide2.jpg| </gallery> <youtube>0XsoO2CJBxg</youtube>
<gallery> Gang Drill 1.jpg </gallery>
This frame drill design makes use of two independently controlled and actuated industrial grippers to move and hold square stock for drilling on all four sides by independently actuated high speed spindles.
<gallery> Screenshot-from-2021-10-30-17-59-19.png|CAD model RightSideView.jpg| LeftSideView.jpg| FrontView.jpg| MotorController.jpg| PowerSupply.jpg| RemovedCylinders.jpg| RemovedDrillScrews.jpg| EmptyCarraige.jpg| RemovedXAxis.jpg| RemovedChipClearer.jpg| RemovedMaterialRest.jpg| RemovedCarraige.jpg| BackOfCarraige.jpg| MajorComponentsRemoved.jpg| </gallery>
[ crowdfunding campaign demonstration device]]
This minimalist design shares many common parts with 3D printers.
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! Part !! Quantity !! Supplier
<gallery> Tobias Grundtvig-1.jpg| Tobias Grundtvig-2.jpg| Tobias Grundtvig-3.jpg| Tobias Grundtvig-4.jpg| Tobias Grundtvig-5.jpg| Tobias Grundtvig-6.jpg| Tobias Grundtvig-7.jpg| Tobias Grundtvig-8.jpg| Tobias Grundtvig-9.jpg| Tobias Grundtvig-video1.mp4| Tobias Grundtvig-video2.mp4| Tobias Grundtvig-video3.mp4| BoreRobot~20190816-134008.mp4| </gallery>
A multi-spindle single-axis CNC.
For the framing, we'll use 8040 aluminium extrusion since it's fit for purpose and readily available here in New Zealand.
Where possible, we'll try to use motion control components found in “pro” consumer CNC machines (AvidCNC, RoverCNC, QueenBee, etc), e.g. stepper motors, lead screws, linear rails, etc.