Developing Replimat involves making, using, and breaking real hardware. Every improvement to the system helps to reduce our ongoing development costs. Modularity allows us to reuse everything many times over. Our success as an open hardware project depends on support from patrons, customers, and people like you.

Bitcoin: bc1qdfxt80pcxhamlzjcsj26uj9ltjhj3tq5e08lta<br> Ethereum: 0xaaa6DC853DEE93BdbC1dfB4cFd695F3030DE4564<br> Litecoin: ltc1qs3exaqe4ujmuzq6gc0787f20z64htkwc5yc486<br> Dogecoin: DR5RHNwvdw1YbpdXJrYGMfmyfd6Ut6RDZC<br> Monero: 42zMs4qorjpHuzbPvhEV3UgQXz8YKstp1MRYUgvokYfoPsh7mpt5KK16TETp74yCV2HUHtS3j9MKw7MxHJsnG5QMBZAUwah<br> Zcash: t1LofvRHvR9UN86jAakK1g8MucqpJ8VyyNe<br> Paypal:<br> Patreon: Replimat<br>


Outcomes: realized XYZ Cargo's Trapezoidal steering design using standardized parts - with help from Michigan State University Engineers for a Sustainable World <gallery> EFSW-cart-2.jpg| EFSW-cart-1.jpg| Engineers for a Sustainable World.jpg| Engineers for a Sustainable World2.jpg| </gallery>


=Goals= If you can help us reach any of these goals, please consider donating. Your donation will help complete a significant project goal and have a lasting effect which touches many.